URL Helper — CodeIgniter 4.4.3 documentation

base_url ([$uri = '' [, $protocol = null]]) Parameters $uri (array|string) – URI string or array of URI segments $protocol (string) – Protocol, e.g., 'http' or 'https' …

Redirect issues

Model, controller, view??? I think you are (still) missing the basics about CodeIgniter. Your code only shows procedural code, where CodeIgniter is object oriented, and works with classes. Your php file doesn't contain any class. CodeIgniter will process all URL's through index.php and never points to html files.

Redirect with CodeIgniter

In CodeIgniter, you can use the redirect () function to redirect the user's browser to a new page. This function is part of the CodeIgniter's URL Helper, so you will need to load the …

base URL for external stylesheet

This is my first message here and I'm a newbie on Codeigniter 4 (and I didn't know Ci3). ... My solution is to assume that index.php is in the base_url() and to create a relative "asset/csse/" sub-folder. Because index.php is always called first then the paths to the CSS files will always be in the sub-folder. ... # Redirect Trailing ...

Membuat base URL dinamis pada CodeIgniter – MasRud

Membuat base URL dinamis pada CodeIgniter. Saat pertama kali membuat aplikasi dengan CodeIgniter, hal pertama yang kita lakukan adalah melakukan konfigurasi base_url.Config ini berguna untuk menciptakan URL yang mengakses resource yang berada pada direktori root.. Secara default konfigurasi base_url CodeIgniter versi …

CodeIgniter URLs — CodeIgniter 4.4.3 documentation

CodeIgniter URLs. By default, URLs in CodeIgniter are designed to be search-engine and human-friendly. Rather than using the standard "query-string" approach to URLs that is synonymous with dynamic systems, CodeIgniter uses a segment-based approach: Your URLs can be defined using the URI Routing feature with flexibility.

Redirect() ignore baseURL?

return redirect()->to( site_url( 'your path' ) ); Reply. includebeer CodeIgniter Team; Posts: 1,018 Threads: 18 Joined: Oct 2014 Reputation: 40 #3. 04-22-2019, 03:30 PM. Ok, thanks! That's a weird way of handling the redirections. ... CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for developers who need a …

Bug: base_url () and redirect () not honoring baseURL with paths

Calling base_url() or redirect() with the route path will render the return to the correct path based on the baseURL config. Context. OS: Ubuntu 19.04; ... @AcidSlide I solved the issue by creating uri_helper.php file then add this precious codes to it and then retouch my codeigniter.php file. url_helper.php in helper folder. if ...


I implemented a login system, with session, using CodeIgniter. If the session doesn't exist, redirect to login page. Please review, and let me know what can be done to make it better.

CodeIgniter URLs — CodeIgniter 4.4.3 documentation

Base URL contains Sub folders. When you have the Base URL https:// and imagine the following URL: …

Redirect Not Working CI4

There's an issue with the main url () commands that I'm trying to work out. This only happens when you're hosting in a subfolder or, like in your case, you're /public is part of your URL. It's intended that it gets served from the public directory so I never caught other cases. I imagine that's all of your issue here.

URI Routing — CodeIgniter 4.4.3 documentation

What is URI Routing? Setting Routing Rules. Examples. HTTP verb Routes. Specifying Route Handlers. Controller's Namespace. Array Callable Syntax. Using Closures. …

redirect function don't redirect to base_url #1611

New issue. redirect function don't redirect to base_url #1611. Closed. dasua opened this issue on Dec 15, 2018 · 1 comment. dasua commented on Dec 15, 2018. Describe the bug. This redirects …

Bug: base_url () and redirect () not honoring baseURL …

When calling base_url () with no parameters, it returns the correct baseURL, but calling it with a parameter (for example a route), it removes the path from the …

URI Routing — CodeIgniter 4.4.3 documentation

Any site that lives long enough is bound to have pages that move. You can specify routes that should redirect to other routes with the addRedirect () method. The first parameter is the URI pattern for the old route. The second parameter is either the new URI to redirect to, or the name of a named route.

Global Functions and Constants — CodeIgniter 4.4.3 …

CodeIgniter provides a few functions and variables that are globally defined, and are available to you at any point. These do not require loading any additional libraries or …

Memahami Lebih dalam Tentang Helper URL di Codeigniter …

Fungsi-fungsi di dalam Helper URL. Helper URL menyediakan beberapa fungsi yang memudahkan kita saat berurusan dengan URL. 1. Fungsi site_url () Fungsi site URL akan mengembalikan nilai berupa URL berdasarkan konfigurasi base_url dan index_page yang sudah ditentukan di dalam config. Contoh:

CodeIgniter URLs — CodeIgniter 3.1.13 documentation

CodeIgniter URLs ¶ By default, URLs in CodeIgniter are designed to be search-engine and human friendly. ... The segments in the URL, in following with the Model-View-Controller approach, usually represent: example. com / class / function / ID. The first segment represents the controller class that should be invoked. The second segment ...

redirect() does not redirects

"redirect()" does not make redirect - it is only returns prepared response for redirecting. For redirecting you need to "return" this response from executing method of the Controller. Yes it is described in the documentation. But it makes some inconvenience. In CI3 "redirect()" was physically doing the redirect.

site_url() and base_url() in CodeIgniter, Difference …

First, let us understand what are base_url () as well as site_url (). base_url () is the URL of your CodeIgniter root or the …

CodeIgniter URLs — CodeIgniter 3.1.13 documentation

Rather than using the standard "query string" approach to URLs that is synonymous with dynamic systems, CodeIgniter uses a segment-based approach: …

site_url() and base_url() in CodeIgniter, Difference and when to Use

The simple answer is to use base_url () to load resources like images, JS files, stylesheet files as well as fonts, etc. Since neither they need index.php in the middle to process nor any URL suffix. For building internal links to your site in CodeIgniter, use the site_url function ().

URL Helper — CodeIgniter 3.1.13 documentation

Protocol-prefixed URL string. Return type: string. This function will add http:// in the event that a protocol prefix is missing from a URL. Pass the URL string to the function like this: …

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